Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Letter

Dear Blog,

I have not forgotten you. I promise! I have just taken a few months out for myself, but a lot has happened that I certainly want to share. First off I spent the first part of this year in Spain and France. It was marvelous to say the least and I certainly have more to come about my travels. Speaking of travels if any of you are looking to travel to France this summer, my friends, are renting their lovely place. I stayed with them the majority of the time that I was in the Provencal region so I can personally speak to their incredible accommodations. I also got to spend a bit of time at their family's place so if you are looking for something a bit larger I would highly recommend this gorgeous place. Neither will disappoint.

You may recall me moving last year. Well, after staying with my lovely gracious friends for several months I decided it was time to get my own place again. I am excited to be all moved into a great little house. It is nice to finally have all my belongings out of that ten by ten storage unit. By the end of this week my fence should be complete so that my incredible super pup will be free to roam as she pleases. This move has helped me to feel less displaced and much more settled.

Then several months back I mentioned making a career shift. A week from today that dream will be well on it's way as I begin my first class toward my Masters in Education. I would be lying if I didn't say that I am a bit apprehensive about returning to school, but I am also really excited. I have a really busy summer ahead as I will be in class four nights a week. I am excited about this new challenge and looking forward to the new opportunities that may be unveiled.

So, that is the long and short of where I have been. I have dropped into a blog or two here and there and even found a new one or two that I really like, but all and all I have been absence. So this letter is to just let you know that I have missed you, dear blog, as well as all my lovely blogging friends. I am back and I have lots more to share in the coming days, weeks, and months ahead. Thanks for your patience!




kelly beasley said...

i must say that i really appreciate your hyper-linking, as it's been great to see what the hiz-ell your hiz-ouse looks like. LOVE IT!