Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Taking Flight

As some of you may have discovered I love to travel. It is one of my passions. Once one trip is over I like to have another trip in the works. Last week, I booked a trip that will take me here and here. I am so excited that I can hardly wait. Although I have traveled to each of these countries before, I have never been to these cities. On top of everything I have the added bonus that close friends of mine now live in both of these places and just happen to speak the respective languages. I look forward to spending time with friends that I have missed dearly, relishing in the new places that they call home, and a full two weeks of vacation ladies and gentlemen(if in fact there are any guys that stop in now and again). I have not taken more than 3 consecutive vacation days in at least two and a half years. I think that it is time, yes??

Only one other big obstacle to conquer before the trip and that is to find my passport. I just got a new passport before going to Costa Rica as both my other ones had expired. Then during the move I made a mental note to pull out my passport when packing. Unfortunately it appears that that small detail slipped my mind. Now it seems that I am going to have to venture to my 10x15 storage unit in an attempt to locate said passport. Anyone interested in a little scavenger hunt? If you bring the magnifying glass, I will bring the beer...


kelly beasley said...

um....that pic has got me all in a tissy. my heart is suddenly beating faster and stronger! make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

christy said...

I LOVE Madrid! It's even a location in the novel that floats around in my head (hopefully it will make it to paper one day.) I hope you have a wonderful time.